25 August 2013

New Adventute

It's the night before the first day of school and the house is quiet. It's just me and Joe here now. Jana's off on her first year of college and Ben's well into soccer practice for year three. I start a new job tomorrow and I'm laying here like its just another day. 

God really worked a miracle in the finding, receiving and transitioning of this job. It's really all I can say. There is absolutely no way it should have worked out as smoothly as it did and yet here it is: the first day of school. 

I'm starting my dream job tomorrow. Well as close as I can get to my dream job that is not on the mission field. I'm teaching 8th grade writing. Now if I could have chose any profession in the world with no thought of money, writer would be way up there on the list. So the fact that I get to spend my days teaching middle schoolers to write is just amazing. I get to share my love of writing with them and watch their creativity explode off the page. 

It must just simply be peace because as I lay here thinking through it all I am just calm. No nerves, no butterflies, just calm. It's as if I'm walking toward my destiny for this phase of life and all is grand. 

I know. Big words that are usually followed by a figurative glance over your shoulder. But really. I am just excited and ready for a new adventure that brings with it even more opportunities for even bigger adventures. 

So to go with my figurative theme. Here it is: a figurative toast to the first day of school -- which is always the start of a new adventure. 

05 July 2013

Last day

The last day of a great adventure is always bitter sweet. You're sad to leave but know that even more adventures lie ahead. That's how I feel about Honduras. I can't believe we head back home tomorrow!

This week has been full of ups and downs, great times and leaning experiences. 

Three of our team members got sick this week. Unfortunately I was the last of the three. I had a fever for 2 days straight and a terrible cough. Fortunately those symptoms are nearing an end as of this afternoon. I'm still a bit foggy and my nose is running but I think the fever is officially gone. I'm still taking Tylenol around the clock though just to be safe. 

On a positive note, we have ministered to over 1500 people this week! We saw kids in the camp, in villages, churches, parks and the orphanage. We're praying God will take the seed we planted and help it grow and mature as the children grow. 

This week our camp director and van driver was a Honduran man named Josías (pronounced Ho-see-us). He spoke some English but always managed to communicate and get us where we needed to be. Here is a picture of him and his wife, Karen. 
They have been married for one year and are working to build a house near the camp. They are some of the sweetest people I have met. At dinner I would talk to Karen. She would practice her English and I would practice my Spanish. It was a great combination. Josías has worked with Randy (the missionary that we are working with) for about 7 years. He was a great man to work with all week. 

Randy's son Kaleb came along as well. He acted as translator when we needed it and played soccer with the kids everywhere we went. Here is Kaleb at the orphanage. 
He lives in the states but tries to make it down here each month. He was a great asset to have. 

Today we checked out of Las Glorias Hotel and headed back toward San Pedro Sula. On the way we stopped to check out this beauty. 
After that we headed into the city for our final afternoon and evening in Honduras. We went to a market to pick up some souvenirs and then headed back to Grand Hotel Sula to rest until dinner at 7. I can't believe how quickly this week has come to a close. I will definitely be leaving a piece of my heart in Honduras. Such a great time with such a great people. 

02 July 2013

Loving it

So we haven't had wifi for a few days now but it's back tonight so I'll drop a quick update. 

We have been having a blast down here in Honduras. The first two days we ministered at the kids camp. We grew more attached each day. Today we visited a local village in the mountains, an orphanage, and a school for children with special needs. The kids at the orphanage broke our hearts as they clung to our necks and waists. There was a girl that only arrived yesterday. They didn't even know her name. She was about a year old. She was so precious. In my head I named her Emilia Joy. Here is her picture. 
It broke my heart to leave her behind. Surprise mom and dad, you're getting a grandchild! Just kidding. 

I'm getting great practice with my Spanish. I laugh every time one of my team members calls me over to translate. It brings me joy to be able to communicate and love on these kids. 

I can't believe it's the third day and yet I can't believe we're leaving so soon. We are having an absolute blast and look forward to each new day. Here are a few more pictures for your enjoyment. 

Ps I'm leaving my heart in Honduras. 

30 June 2013

First day!

Well this isn't going to be too long but we made it to Honduras and our first day of camp. The children were absolutely adorable and we enjoyed ourselves probably as much as they enjoyed being there. 

I'll include a picture or two but I'll save most for when I return. Wifi is a bit limited. I'll try to update a little as much as I can. Thanks for praying!!

27 June 2013

Almost ready!

I am writing to you from my cell phone app this evening to see what it will be like in Honduras. So far so good. 

Well, I head out on my trip in approximately 36 hours. Craziness. I cannot believe it has arrived so quickly. It seems as if it was just a few weeks ago that I was filling out the application and praying about if this was the right trip for me.  And now here it is!

We fly out of BWI on Saturday morning and land in San Pedro Sula Saturday evening. The place we are staying is about an hour and a half from the airport.  Sunday will be our first day at the camp and our first real experience in Honduras. To say I am excited is an understatement. It's taken a while to get to this place, but ready or not, we'll be off shortly! 

I have never been good at packing. It is not a strength of mine. Currently I have things all over my bed and room waiting to be strategically arranged in one large suitcase and one carry on. We shall see how well it goes. I need to do one more load of laundry and then I think I will have everything I need. I spent about 2 hours today running around to various stores to pick up last minute items to either take for myself or for the hundreds of children we will be meeting. Now to just fit it all in my luggage. 

I wanted to take a quick second before I go and finish my preparations to say that I appreciate every one of you who is reading this and praying for our team. You are just as important to this trip as the members of our team. Your support is making this possible. So thank you!

I will try to update this as frequently as possible throughout the trip. Feel free to post questions or comments and I will try to answer them in the next post. 

Well, as I've clearly described, I have lots of packing left to do before I go, so this is farewell for now. Thanks again for your thoughts and prayers! 

16 June 2013

Praise and Prayers!


So I have exciting praises to report! Our team for Honduras is FULLY FUNDED!! We had a fundraiser at Isaac's Deli last Sunday and raised over $400! That in combination with the gracious gifts of friends and family, each of our team members now has their trip fully paid for. Praise God! Thanks to everyone who has supported us both financially and prayerfully!

Which leads me to the next part of this post: Prayer.
With our trip only 2 weeks away (yikes! so exciting!) I would love if you would partner with us and commit to praying for our team as we are working and ministering in Honduras. As I wrote in my last post, we will be working with Kids Ark International, a camp for the children in Honduras. We will be doing a skit of Jesus feeding the 5000, singing a couple songs in Spanish (or should I say attempting to sing), and helping overall with the daily routine of camp. We will be passing out clothing, food, toys and lots of love. We will also be spending some time in schools and a local orphanage doing similar activities.

Here are some ways you can pray for us:
- Safety of travel to and from the country and our daily trip to camp
- Meshing and working as a team throughout the week
- Mental, physical and emotional health for our team throughout our time in Honduras
- For God's love to flow in us and through us as we work and minister to the people of Honduras
- For us to allow God to work in our lives and wreck our world for the nation of Honduras
one last one (I know it sounds ridiculous, but I'm actually slightly concerned)
- That the mosquitoes would not find me delicious (aka, very few bug bites please!)

We've been preparing and praying for our time abroad and we're so excited! Hopefully I will be able to post regular updates while we are there. I am excited to share this experience with you all. Your support has helped me take this step. I am excited for you to experience it with me!

So you have some faces to pray for:

 And a goofy one to show off our personalities:

Again, thanks so much for all of your support! Keep checking back for updates!

22 April 2013

Heading to Honduras!

Wow, it's been a long time. 

So exciting news: I am officially on the team headed to Honduras from Victory Church this summer!
As most of you probably know, I have a passion for cultures and working with children. It is my hope that someday I will be able to combine these two and teach overseas. While that time is not now, I am looking forward to this opportunity to take the next step in my pursuit! This summer (June 29-July 6, specifically), ten of us are traveling to Kids Ark International, a camp for the children of Honduras.
The camp is located 45 miles south of San Pedro Sula. We will be working with Kids Ark International in their summer camp, visiting local orphanages and schools, and taking a trip to a village to see where some of our “campers” live.

To say that I am excited is an understatement.

I have been praying about where God is going to lead me as far as teaching overseas. Again, it seems that the time is not now, but I still feel drawn to Latin American cultures. As it has been almost 5 years since I've been out of the country and even longer since I've been in a Spanish-speaking country, I feel that this is a great stepping stone to wherever God will eventually lead. Who knows ... maybe I'll find something in Honduras that I can't live without and end up moving there! 

No matter where God leads, I feel that this is most definitely where I am supposed to be for June 29-July 6. The ministry opportunities sound amazing and the kids sound like they will be just fantastic. If you want to keep track of my progress while in preparation and while on the trip, feel free to check back in here. I plan to use this blog as my main form of communication about the trip. I should even be able to post on here while in Honduras. 

The purpose of this blog is not to fund-raise, but if you  happen to feel compelled to give, you can send a check to Victory Church at 1827 Freedom Rd., Suite 103, Lancaster, PA 17601 with "Honduras" written in the memo. Again, that is not the intention of this and I will be gratefully happy if you just pop by this site to check out what's going on in our trip to Honduras!

Blessings to all who read this.  

Kids Ark Website 
Victory Church Website