24 August 2011

Patience, Flexibility, Questions, and Surrender

Already this experience is teaching me something. It is yet to be the beginning of school and already I've learned a few very important lessons.

Flexibility is key.
Patience is absolutely necessary.
It is okay to ask questions.
Sometimes there is just nothing you can do, but don't give up until every option has been examined.

As I've written before, I am part of the Professional Development School this year for Junior Block and then on into Student Teaching. I am super excited for the experience and cannot wait to get it underway. However, irony has received the prize for, well, being irony. I am one of only two (at least that is what I have been led to believe) students who still do not have their placements for the fall. I am supposed to meet with my mentor/co-operating teacher on Friday and then be in class with them on Monday, but as I have yet to find out who it is, I'm not sure how solid those plans are.

I found myself this evening extremely overwhelmed with this information. My mood dropped and my attitude found its way to a dark corner. Tears seemed inevitable. But God. I am reminded daily, if not hourly or by the minute, that God has a plan and a purpose for my life. I have committed this internship to Him and know that no matter what happens, He works everything for the good. I've been praying to be placed in the right classroom with the right teacher, and fully believe that God is going to do just that.

So ... long story short -- yes, I am anxious, a little frustrated, and extremely antsy over not knowing where I am supposed to report on Friday, but I firmly believe that God will lot let my prayers go unanswered and will place me in the classroom that will be the exact place he planned to put me all along. The end. =)

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