02 August 2014

Wow, it's been a while ...

So, I'm back!

Monday I start my first grad class in pursuit of my Masters Degree. I just finished reading Steal Like an Artist by Austin Kleon. Among so many great words about creativity, I found a theme or motif that God has been speaking to me about this summer.

Stop waiting for the right time or the right place. Do what you love in the place you are in, with the time you currently have.

Now, I know that so often plans are made in excitement and then quickly forgotten when issues and conflicts arise. My goal is to do my best to take time each day to work and exercise in the giftings, talents, and interests God has given me.

So I guess all that's left to say is ... here goes nothing! :)



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I like what you have to say about Austin Kleon's book. I know it can be difficult to be creative in the midst of routine, but it sounds like you have a good plan for how you are going to go about it. How can you ensure that you will make time each day to be creative? How can you use what you learned in this book in the classroom?
