13 April 2011

False Teeth

My grandma's teeth are in a cup on our bathroom sink.

Although gross and somewhat disgusting, this visual reminds me of the fact that even the things in life we think are most certain, we cannot count on. Things like time and rain drops, each breath and a sunrise every morning are luxuries that are gifts that God alone gives each day. Despite how stressed out I am over the amount of work at the end of the semester, time does not stop, slow down or expand into 48 hour days. I cannot even be certain that I will live to finish all of the papers that are due in the next few weeks.

The only thing I CAN count on, is God. He alone is steadfast and unmoving, never changing and always loving. He can bring peace and he can give hope. His greatest gift is grace.

So ... no matter if tomorrow I wake up and the moon is shining, or if suddenly my house is in a desert, or even if my teeth fall out and I have to put them in a cup on our bathroom sink, God will ALWAYS be there and ALWAYS see me through. That is my word of encouragement to myself tonight (and to anyone else who might need it).

1 comment:

  1. Hysterical! Thanks for the encouragement. :)
