I went to the fair today. The last Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of September always bring about the Lampeter Fair. This year was like the 83rd year it's been going on. (Don't quote me on that number I might be off by a year or so). I think in my entire remembering of life, I only missed the fair one -- maybe two -- years. And I was devastated that I couldn't make it.
I don't know what the draw is of the Lampeter Fair. There are no rides, no fun activities for those older than 18 and it is extremely crowded. But still, everyone goes. It has that small town essence. There is familiarity and remnants of days gone by. Each year a little bit changes here and there, but basically it's the same fair that I've been going to since I was little.
The weekend before the fair, if you drive past the fairgrounds you can see the big green and yellow tents set up in the same formation as always. Two on one side of the arena and two on the other. They now have several other-colored tents that accompany the four "originals," but the staples are where they've always been. You can bank on what's inside them too. There are stands that have been around, again, for as long as I can remember -- in the same place! For instance, Grace Brethren Church is just inside on the left of the first tent on the right of the arena. The Herr's Potato Chips stand is in the same tent on the right like 4 spots down. On the other side of the arena in the first tent on the right side there are a bunch of tractors ... I could go on and on, but my point it is, it's still the same.
One thing that has changed a bit has been the food. There used to be two food stands plus the fire-hall dinner. Now there's four and the options have increased as well. But the milkshake line and funnel cake line are still as long as ever.
It's always muddy, always busy, and always fun. You can't slip through the fair without seeing someone you know, and most likely, you'll spend most of your time running into old acquaintances. I have a thousand memories of the fair and hope to make a few more in the years to come. So, if you're ever in Lancaster the last week of September, head over to the fair grounds for a time you probably won't forget. =)

29 September 2011
25 September 2011
The Reality of the Fairytale
I'm wondering ... what's the appeal of fairytales? I just finished watching A Cinderella Story and am just thinking through the logistics of it ...
I guess it's the whole good overcoming evil; the poor girl being rescued by the handsome well-to-do prince; and everyone living happily ever after. If you think about it, it's kind of the story of the Bible.
For years and years the Jews strayed from the Lord; even in today's world, we (as in all people) still stray, but through Jesus' death and resurrection, we have been rescued. The King of everything good and wonderful in the world has defeated evil ... for eternity! We who are poor in spirit, have nothing in the grand scheme of things, have been rescued by the Prince who has it all. In the end, worldly possessions will not matter. The only thing that matters is where our heart finds value. If we find it in the Lord then we will be forever with Him. Lastly, the Bible promises a happily ever after in heaven for those who believe.
So I guess that's the draw of the fairytale ... everyone's looking for their own, but what we don't always realize is that it's not an actual prince and princess story, but rather a King and His creation. Interesting ...
I find it humoring that these are the things I think of at 1am. =)
I guess it's the whole good overcoming evil; the poor girl being rescued by the handsome well-to-do prince; and everyone living happily ever after. If you think about it, it's kind of the story of the Bible.
For years and years the Jews strayed from the Lord; even in today's world, we (as in all people) still stray, but through Jesus' death and resurrection, we have been rescued. The King of everything good and wonderful in the world has defeated evil ... for eternity! We who are poor in spirit, have nothing in the grand scheme of things, have been rescued by the Prince who has it all. In the end, worldly possessions will not matter. The only thing that matters is where our heart finds value. If we find it in the Lord then we will be forever with Him. Lastly, the Bible promises a happily ever after in heaven for those who believe.
So I guess that's the draw of the fairytale ... everyone's looking for their own, but what we don't always realize is that it's not an actual prince and princess story, but rather a King and His creation. Interesting ...
I find it humoring that these are the things I think of at 1am. =)
19 September 2011
Busy-ness of Life
I'm realizing that life gets busier by the moment and although I might beg for it to stop, slow down, somehow I know it won't, but then again, is that really a bad thing?
I've come to the point in my life where I will probably never again feel like I've "caught up." No matter how hard I try there will always be things that I need to do, was supposed to do, or want to do. I'm growing up and well my dear, that's just part of it.
New meetings, bigger responsibilities, sneak attack obligations all culminate on the same week every week. How do I keep my life balanced in a way that allows me to get everything done, attend all activities and still have time for "me?"
I've always liked the busy life. Summer days would drive me and my mother insane with my persistent desire to do something besides watch TV or read another five books from the library. I'm still quite enjoying my chaotic whirlwind. I love feeling the necessity of a schedule, and for once I'm actually managing to keep one (knock on wood). When I'm busy, I feel important, but when I'm too busy, I feel drained. Often my most brilliant creativity comes out in the tiny gaps between appointments demanding my attention.
I rejoice that I am able to jump from one meeting to another. I thrive at the idea of a full day block on my calendar. I love being able to experience all that is around me. Just remind me next time I start to complain: I asked for this! =)
I've come to the point in my life where I will probably never again feel like I've "caught up." No matter how hard I try there will always be things that I need to do, was supposed to do, or want to do. I'm growing up and well my dear, that's just part of it.
New meetings, bigger responsibilities, sneak attack obligations all culminate on the same week every week. How do I keep my life balanced in a way that allows me to get everything done, attend all activities and still have time for "me?"
I've always liked the busy life. Summer days would drive me and my mother insane with my persistent desire to do something besides watch TV or read another five books from the library. I'm still quite enjoying my chaotic whirlwind. I love feeling the necessity of a schedule, and for once I'm actually managing to keep one (knock on wood). When I'm busy, I feel important, but when I'm too busy, I feel drained. Often my most brilliant creativity comes out in the tiny gaps between appointments demanding my attention.
I rejoice that I am able to jump from one meeting to another. I thrive at the idea of a full day block on my calendar. I love being able to experience all that is around me. Just remind me next time I start to complain: I asked for this! =)
18 September 2011
Finally Fall.
As the weather turned colder this week, I came to a realization that I had never quite appreciated before now. I love fall. The smooth cool breeze with its hint of apples and pumpkins, the clear calm blue skies -- all of it just puts me at peace and reminds me of why I so dearly love this season. Hoodies and sweaters break out and jeans become a staple once again. Despite the cooler temperatures, there is warmth in the golds and reds of trees and the purples and oranges of sunsets.
Communities gather together for football games, fairs and backyard bonfires. The heat from summer finally releasing its hold and the chill from winter having yet to wrap its tendrils around us. Apple cider, hot chocolate and other warm drinks in paper cups become a permanent accessory to every teenager and busybody alike.
The fires and the leaves produce a longing for a hand to hold. The stars shine down on loved ones curled together on blankets staring back at the lights millions of miles away. Children settle in, but cry for one last dog day before the permanent chill of hallways and homework claim their undivided attention. It's a time of transition that, unlike Spring, lazily stretches its limbs beyond its rightful margins.
Fall is that sticky sweetness of maple syrup. It's the slow progression of Hallelujah sung in a sultry deepness. It's pigskin footballs, cheering fans cuddling in the dew, and families pulling together for Sunday dinners. It's the remembering of days gone by and the dreaming of the days yet to come.
It's a gift.
Communities gather together for football games, fairs and backyard bonfires. The heat from summer finally releasing its hold and the chill from winter having yet to wrap its tendrils around us. Apple cider, hot chocolate and other warm drinks in paper cups become a permanent accessory to every teenager and busybody alike.
The fires and the leaves produce a longing for a hand to hold. The stars shine down on loved ones curled together on blankets staring back at the lights millions of miles away. Children settle in, but cry for one last dog day before the permanent chill of hallways and homework claim their undivided attention. It's a time of transition that, unlike Spring, lazily stretches its limbs beyond its rightful margins.
Fall is that sticky sweetness of maple syrup. It's the slow progression of Hallelujah sung in a sultry deepness. It's pigskin footballs, cheering fans cuddling in the dew, and families pulling together for Sunday dinners. It's the remembering of days gone by and the dreaming of the days yet to come.
It's a gift.
10 September 2011
White Water Rafting
Okay so seriously the scariest day of my life.
Back in January when our young adults group leader was planning our activities for the year, I was excited and thought white water rafting would be fun. As it got closer I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to make it. Nervousness+lack of funds=not for me. But then things worked out and I was able to go. I tossed and turned all last night with nervous energy running through my veins. I did a lot of praying and asked for peace. On the way there and even at the check in, I was the one reassuring people that all would be fine.
I started to panic when our guide began giving us information on the trip itself. One of the most frequent signals you will see is the "get down" signal ... meaning hit the deck! That was warning number one. Warning number two came when he began giving instructions on what to do when you fall out of your raft:
Don't stand up.
Keep your feet and nose above the water.
Get back to your raft and grab the rope.
If you can't get to your raft, grab onto the front or back of a guide's kayak.
Boy am I glad I payed attention.
We came up on the second rapid. It's name is Cucumber due to the sent of the copper snakes extra skin that they shed during whichever season it is that they shed it. I'm in the front of our raft (mistake) and have my foot wedged as much as it could be. I'm gripping my paddle, rowing as hard as I can as I watch the white water sprinting closer and closer. Nosedive. The front tip of the raft hits the center of the rapid and water instantly begs me into its trap.
I feel myself falling backwards. Instantly my face is beneath the white water. My left foot is still wedged in the raft, but only for another second. The water calls me deeper beneath its surface. I'm rolling around; tossing and turning with the tantrum of the rapids. I don't know which way is up. My head bobs above the surface. I breathe as quick as I can before the water decides to pull me under again. Why am I still holding this stupid paddle?! I want to let go, but know I need to hang on to it. I hear my name and I know there are rocks nearby, but all I'm thinking is Jesus, help me! I'm dragged back underwater, my lungs still full of the force all around me. If only I were a fish, then I wouldn't be so desperately searching for the surface.
My head's above water one more time. I go to flip onto my stomach to try to swim, but the rapids are still calling my name. I remember the rule: Keep your nose and toes above the water. Well, I don't know about my toes, but I'm on my back and I can do nothing but pray that the water doesn't pull me back under for another spin.
"Hey! Hey!" A green kayak came into my view. In my desperation I managed to grab the handle on the front, but now what? I tried to swim with my paddled hand, but resorted once again to floating on my back. "Breathe! Breathe!" That means more water is coming. Quick breath. Too late. back under water, still holding tight to the kayak. Air hits my face again. "Breathe!" The water might have claimed me one more time, but I don't remember. I spewed water all the way to the shore and even after I was on the big rock begging for them to let me go back, be done, never have to face the water again.
They gave me the option, I could back out if I wanted to -- but there was also the lunch raft. One small four-man raft with a guide and the coolers inside. The guy knew what he was doing, could ride the rapids and insure no more swimming episodes. So either I get back on the water ... or I spend the next two hours sitting back at check in kicking myself for not trying again.
So, for the next two hours I chatted with Bob and enjoyed the lovely scenery and the occasional splash from the rapids who were wishing for another victim, thankfully too far out of reach.
Click here for more --> White Water Rafting Pictures!!
Back in January when our young adults group leader was planning our activities for the year, I was excited and thought white water rafting would be fun. As it got closer I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to make it. Nervousness+lack of funds=not for me. But then things worked out and I was able to go. I tossed and turned all last night with nervous energy running through my veins. I did a lot of praying and asked for peace. On the way there and even at the check in, I was the one reassuring people that all would be fine.
I started to panic when our guide began giving us information on the trip itself. One of the most frequent signals you will see is the "get down" signal ... meaning hit the deck! That was warning number one. Warning number two came when he began giving instructions on what to do when you fall out of your raft:
Don't stand up.
Keep your feet and nose above the water.
Get back to your raft and grab the rope.
If you can't get to your raft, grab onto the front or back of a guide's kayak.
Boy am I glad I payed attention.
We came up on the second rapid. It's name is Cucumber due to the sent of the copper snakes extra skin that they shed during whichever season it is that they shed it. I'm in the front of our raft (mistake) and have my foot wedged as much as it could be. I'm gripping my paddle, rowing as hard as I can as I watch the white water sprinting closer and closer. Nosedive. The front tip of the raft hits the center of the rapid and water instantly begs me into its trap.
I feel myself falling backwards. Instantly my face is beneath the white water. My left foot is still wedged in the raft, but only for another second. The water calls me deeper beneath its surface. I'm rolling around; tossing and turning with the tantrum of the rapids. I don't know which way is up. My head bobs above the surface. I breathe as quick as I can before the water decides to pull me under again. Why am I still holding this stupid paddle?! I want to let go, but know I need to hang on to it. I hear my name and I know there are rocks nearby, but all I'm thinking is Jesus, help me! I'm dragged back underwater, my lungs still full of the force all around me. If only I were a fish, then I wouldn't be so desperately searching for the surface.
My head's above water one more time. I go to flip onto my stomach to try to swim, but the rapids are still calling my name. I remember the rule: Keep your nose and toes above the water. Well, I don't know about my toes, but I'm on my back and I can do nothing but pray that the water doesn't pull me back under for another spin.
"Hey! Hey!" A green kayak came into my view. In my desperation I managed to grab the handle on the front, but now what? I tried to swim with my paddled hand, but resorted once again to floating on my back. "Breathe! Breathe!" That means more water is coming. Quick breath. Too late. back under water, still holding tight to the kayak. Air hits my face again. "Breathe!" The water might have claimed me one more time, but I don't remember. I spewed water all the way to the shore and even after I was on the big rock begging for them to let me go back, be done, never have to face the water again.
They gave me the option, I could back out if I wanted to -- but there was also the lunch raft. One small four-man raft with a guide and the coolers inside. The guy knew what he was doing, could ride the rapids and insure no more swimming episodes. So either I get back on the water ... or I spend the next two hours sitting back at check in kicking myself for not trying again.
So, for the next two hours I chatted with Bob and enjoyed the lovely scenery and the occasional splash from the rapids who were wishing for another victim, thankfully too far out of reach.
Click here for more --> White Water Rafting Pictures!!
08 September 2011
I love to cook.
So, to you this is going to sound really random, but hey, to you most of my posts are really random ...
I really like to cook. I love it. Today is my sister's 17th birthday and I decided to make one of her favorite meals for her. I think thanks to me, she really likes chicken alfredo with broccoli so instead of buying a jar of premade alfredo sauce and just using that I figured I would look up a recipe and make it all from scratch. I cooked a ton of chicken, 5 heads of broccoli, 2 pounds of fettuccine and then made my sauce. It was seriously delicious (and less calories that the usual due to smarter options). I knew that eating some would result in an attack of my allergies, but it was very very worth it.
I also made cupcakes for the Sunshine (it's what I call my sister). 17 cupcakes spelled out Happy Birthday Jana and we had like 7 left over. So we spelled out the message and put candles in them. She doesn't really like cake so we went with funfetti cupcakes instead. =)
Oh yeah. Not only did I cook for my family, but Sunshine decided to have a few friends over for her birthday. So I cooked for 10. Ah it was so awesome! Seriously, awesome. I don't know why I find such joy in cooking for people, but I do. My senior year of high school I almost went to CTC for a culinary arts program, but I decided that missions was more important to me than cooking. I'm happy with my choice, but now I wish I could have done both. I would love to learn all the fancy ways to cook things, but then again, maybe it would take all the fun out of it for me.
Another meal that I've been making on a very regular basis is a general tso chicken dish. I fry pieces of chicken, broccoli and pineapple in a skillet, add some rice and mix it with general tso's sauce. So good. Sometimes I just do rice ... kinda like a fried rice sort of thing. It's just fun.
Dinner parties are one of my favorite things as well. Like I said, cooking for people brings me joy. I can make something for them and they appreciate it and it makes me feel important I guess. I don't know. It's just fun. So, yay for cooking! =)
I really like to cook. I love it. Today is my sister's 17th birthday and I decided to make one of her favorite meals for her. I think thanks to me, she really likes chicken alfredo with broccoli so instead of buying a jar of premade alfredo sauce and just using that I figured I would look up a recipe and make it all from scratch. I cooked a ton of chicken, 5 heads of broccoli, 2 pounds of fettuccine and then made my sauce. It was seriously delicious (and less calories that the usual due to smarter options). I knew that eating some would result in an attack of my allergies, but it was very very worth it.
I also made cupcakes for the Sunshine (it's what I call my sister). 17 cupcakes spelled out Happy Birthday Jana and we had like 7 left over. So we spelled out the message and put candles in them. She doesn't really like cake so we went with funfetti cupcakes instead. =)
Oh yeah. Not only did I cook for my family, but Sunshine decided to have a few friends over for her birthday. So I cooked for 10. Ah it was so awesome! Seriously, awesome. I don't know why I find such joy in cooking for people, but I do. My senior year of high school I almost went to CTC for a culinary arts program, but I decided that missions was more important to me than cooking. I'm happy with my choice, but now I wish I could have done both. I would love to learn all the fancy ways to cook things, but then again, maybe it would take all the fun out of it for me.
Another meal that I've been making on a very regular basis is a general tso chicken dish. I fry pieces of chicken, broccoli and pineapple in a skillet, add some rice and mix it with general tso's sauce. So good. Sometimes I just do rice ... kinda like a fried rice sort of thing. It's just fun.
Dinner parties are one of my favorite things as well. Like I said, cooking for people brings me joy. I can make something for them and they appreciate it and it makes me feel important I guess. I don't know. It's just fun. So, yay for cooking! =)
05 September 2011
I think it's interesting ... all three of my siblings constantly have boys or girls (depending on their gender)interested in them and vying for their attention and affection. Seriously, since middle school I would sit by and watch as they delt with the annoying or sweet pursuers. Even my youngest brother who is 7 years younger than me has girls that at least appear remotely interested.
I'm always the observer. Always. My favorite movies are romantic comedies; my favorite scenes are those when Ross finally gets Rachel kind of scenes. Even now as I type this my favorite scene from my favorite Star Wars is playing on the screen above me. "You like me because I'm a scoundrel ... There aren't enough scoundrels in your life ..."
My adolecence was marked by crush after crush after crush. There was always a guy (or two) that I liked but hardly ever one that liked me back. I mean, I've come to terms with that and I am perfectly okay with it just sometimes I wish that my "Prince Charming" would come along ... Or at least for once that the guy I like would like me back.
I always talk myself into thinking that he might like me, but then realize it was just me playing silly little girl games and getting my hopes up. Currently, I've liked the same guy for over a year and as far as I know he has no clue. Of course that's partly if not entirely my fault, but still.
I know that the right guy will come along and I'm not really worried about it ... Well clearly on some level I'm a little worried or I wouldn't be writing this now. I know that God has the perfect guy for me out there somewhere and he will come along at the right moment ... Just sometimes I'm afraid that the right guy/moment has come and gone and I missed it.
Someday. Someday it will all be worth it ... All the waiting, all the heartache, all the sitting by and watching my younger siblings deal with relationship issues that I only dream I had. Someday will eventually become my one day ...
I'm always the observer. Always. My favorite movies are romantic comedies; my favorite scenes are those when Ross finally gets Rachel kind of scenes. Even now as I type this my favorite scene from my favorite Star Wars is playing on the screen above me. "You like me because I'm a scoundrel ... There aren't enough scoundrels in your life ..."
My adolecence was marked by crush after crush after crush. There was always a guy (or two) that I liked but hardly ever one that liked me back. I mean, I've come to terms with that and I am perfectly okay with it just sometimes I wish that my "Prince Charming" would come along ... Or at least for once that the guy I like would like me back.
I always talk myself into thinking that he might like me, but then realize it was just me playing silly little girl games and getting my hopes up. Currently, I've liked the same guy for over a year and as far as I know he has no clue. Of course that's partly if not entirely my fault, but still.
I know that the right guy will come along and I'm not really worried about it ... Well clearly on some level I'm a little worried or I wouldn't be writing this now. I know that God has the perfect guy for me out there somewhere and he will come along at the right moment ... Just sometimes I'm afraid that the right guy/moment has come and gone and I missed it.
Someday. Someday it will all be worth it ... All the waiting, all the heartache, all the sitting by and watching my younger siblings deal with relationship issues that I only dream I had. Someday will eventually become my one day ...
03 September 2011
Love and laughter
I think it is so awesome when a group of people can find any reason to just hang out and have fun. My brother's college soccer team played in a local tournament this weekend. After the game this afternoon a tired and sweaty Ben came home to a house full of people. We decided to gather a bunch of his friends and ours for a post-game party. It was such a great time.
The "kids" kind of ruled the house. Mom and Dad and another parent cooked food and then whoosh! it was devoured and and laughing began. I can't even tell you what we talked about or what we did besides sit around our big wooden table and laugh at the most random stuff. Our house -- as always -- was filled with love and laughter. We just had a few extra people tonight.
That's the kind of home I want to have -- a place where people and friends can feel free to stop by anytime and just hang out, have fun, eat and enjoy life. I thrive on nights like these when everyone is gathered for a good time -- no occasion necessary. Life seems that much richer and fuller when surrounded by loving laughter. I pray that people feel welcomed and relaxed in my house -- a second home to anyone who needs it. It is the true meaning of loving your neighbor, friends, children, anyone! My goal is to always have a place where anyone can feel at home. =)
The "kids" kind of ruled the house. Mom and Dad and another parent cooked food and then whoosh! it was devoured and and laughing began. I can't even tell you what we talked about or what we did besides sit around our big wooden table and laugh at the most random stuff. Our house -- as always -- was filled with love and laughter. We just had a few extra people tonight.
That's the kind of home I want to have -- a place where people and friends can feel free to stop by anytime and just hang out, have fun, eat and enjoy life. I thrive on nights like these when everyone is gathered for a good time -- no occasion necessary. Life seems that much richer and fuller when surrounded by loving laughter. I pray that people feel welcomed and relaxed in my house -- a second home to anyone who needs it. It is the true meaning of loving your neighbor, friends, children, anyone! My goal is to always have a place where anyone can feel at home. =)
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