29 September 2011

The Lampeter Fair

I went to the fair today. The last Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of September always bring about the Lampeter Fair. This year was like the 83rd year it's been going on. (Don't quote me on that number I might be off by a year or so). I think in my entire remembering of life, I only missed the fair one -- maybe two -- years. And I was devastated that I couldn't make it.

I don't know what the draw is of the Lampeter Fair. There are no rides, no fun activities for those older than 18 and it is extremely crowded. But still, everyone goes. It has that small town essence. There is familiarity and remnants of days gone by. Each year a little bit changes here and there, but basically it's the same fair that I've been going to since I was little.

The weekend before the fair, if you drive past the fairgrounds you can see the big green and yellow tents set up in the same formation as always. Two on one side of the arena and two on the other. They now have several other-colored tents that accompany the four "originals," but the staples are where they've always been. You can bank on what's inside them too. There are stands that have been around, again, for as long as I can remember -- in the same place! For instance, Grace Brethren Church is just inside on the left of the first tent on the right of the arena. The Herr's Potato Chips stand is in the same tent on the right like 4 spots down. On the other side of the arena in the first tent on the right side there are a bunch of tractors ... I could go on and on, but my point it is, it's still the same.

One thing that has changed a bit has been the food. There used to be two food stands plus the fire-hall dinner. Now there's four and the options have increased as well. But the milkshake line and funnel cake line are still as long as ever.

It's always muddy, always busy, and always fun. You can't slip through the fair without seeing someone you know, and most likely, you'll spend most of your time running into old acquaintances. I have a thousand memories of the fair and hope to make a few more in the years to come. So, if you're ever in Lancaster the last week of September, head over to the fair grounds for a time you probably won't forget. =)

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