18 September 2011

Finally Fall.

As the weather turned colder this week, I came to a realization that I had never quite appreciated before now. I love fall. The smooth cool breeze with its hint of apples and pumpkins, the clear calm blue skies -- all of it just puts me at peace and reminds me of why I so dearly love this season. Hoodies and sweaters break out and jeans become a staple once again. Despite the cooler temperatures, there is warmth in the golds and reds of trees and the purples and oranges of sunsets.

Communities gather together for football games, fairs and backyard bonfires. The heat from summer finally releasing its hold and the chill from winter having yet to wrap its tendrils around us. Apple cider, hot chocolate and other warm drinks in paper cups become a permanent accessory to every teenager and busybody alike.

The fires and the leaves produce a longing for a hand to hold. The stars shine down on loved ones curled together on blankets staring back at the lights millions of miles away. Children settle in, but cry for one last dog day before the permanent chill of hallways and homework claim their undivided attention. It's a time of transition that, unlike Spring, lazily stretches its limbs beyond its rightful margins.

Fall is that sticky sweetness of maple syrup. It's the slow progression of Hallelujah sung in a sultry deepness. It's pigskin footballs, cheering fans cuddling in the dew, and families pulling together for Sunday dinners. It's the remembering of days gone by and the dreaming of the days yet to come.
It's a gift.

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