25 February 2011

Call my name ...

So, I have something different for you tonight. I really want to start sharing my writing pieces with y'all and get your feedback, if those of you who read it are willing =]. So here goes. This is a piece I wrote for class this week. I hope you enjoy!

Call my name…

Each moment, every day, my ears await the sweet sound of your voice singing the syllables of my name. From your lips it would be dew, a melody new, with a sense of remembering.

Every hour, my head turns in search of the source to simple words like “yes” and “guess,” but they alone leave the stale impression of forgotteness. My shoulders slouch under the weight of disappointment; my head following to stare at the ground.

Call my name – just one simple syllable.
Form your tongue and lips to make a J and throw some air through your vocal chords. Now shift your tongue just a bit to sound the e then put your teeth together for the ss --. That’s it! Just three little sounds -- such a sparkle amongst plain words.

My name in your voice is the soundtrack to my dreams – waking me with hope and perking my ears whenever you’re near.

Just call my name
         and I’m – completely -- yours.


  1. I love how you chose the simple topic of someone calling your name, but you used lots of description and vivid imagery to describe the experience in detail. You've got my vote! haha. :)
