13 February 2011

Kids are the cutest things =]

I love working with the kids in church on Sunday mornings. Every second Sunday of the month during the second service I help out in the 4 and 5 year old room. The kids are the funniest, sweetest kids. They make me laugh so hard and I come out of there feeling like I've taught them something.

4 and 5 are the critical ages in a child's life for learning things that will stick with them, or create habits for the future (or at least so I've heard). Helping them to understand that God loves them and wants to have a relationship with them is such a crucial element for that age.

The kids are hilarious, so creative. I can be funny and goofy and not feel like they're judging me. They don't worry about what people think of them or if their idea is way out there. They are just themselves and they expect you to be too. They tell you stories about their baby brother and ask if their drawing is the best. They imitate animal sounds with you and pretend to do whatever you ask them to pretend. They learn your name and remember it and giggle when you know theirs too. I don't think I could teach this age every day all day long, but one or two Sundays a month and some times in between is just the perfect combination! =]

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