You would think that after approximately 3 hours of glorified paper writing and a good deal of stressing out, I would have basically zero energy left and desire only to collapse into bed and fall into a deep sleep. If that isn't enough to make me wish for sleep, then perhaps the fact that my alarm is going off in just over 5 hours ... hmm? shouldn't that make me tired? Well, the answer to both is no. I lay in bed, room dark, only the ticking of my clock to be heard, and my thoughts are racing, going over tomorrow's activities and required events. I jump from my midterm to thinking about scheduling to wondering why our professor is not a very nice person, to wondering when I'm going to get the rest of my homework done for Tuesday. I decided organizing it all here in type might help me to drowsy up a bit.
I think it's working. I can feel my eyelids getting heavier. Oh sweet sleep, why do you evade me so? You play with my emotions, make my eyes droop, yet cause my thoughts to race and escape my clutches once again. You are such an evil friend. Tomorrow when I rise you will be pleasantly curled in my possession, but alas, I will have to let you go. Oh these silly silly games you play. When I desire nothing else, you are not to be found, when I must give you up, you gracefully lay within reach. Oh how I wish you would just cooperate and that our friendship could be sweet, but tis not your way. Forever I will be chasing your swirling dreams and peaceful slumber, with the hopes of one day to catch you for good.
You were inside our heads. You are such a gifted writer. Love you bunches.