So, nonfiction is NOT my forte.
That being said, you might be interested to know that it is my goal to enter a Creative Nonfiction writing contest through NCTE (don't ask me what it is, I forget -- something to do with education). I've pondered what to write about and even started a piece, but it doesn't have enough pizazz. I think I might have come up with something, but I feel like I've exhausted the topic already. I want to write something meaningful, that will have sparks and be worth writing. Because narratives are more of my strong point it would probably be best to do something with a story line, but I don't want it to be normal or boring.
All of this being said, there is a very good chance that I am going to post some sections as I complete them for feedback. So if you would be so kind as to let me know your thoughts (about this post and any others to come) I would be very appreciative! =]
I know this one is short, but I want to keep going with what I've started and see what happens. Talk to you soon!!
Sometimes pizazz is secreted away in the most mundane topics. Have you ever listened to This American Life by Ira Glass (NPR)? He has the ability to endow the most familiar topics with meaning so that the listener feels that she or he is seeing it for the first time. You have a bit of that in your writing. It's a reflective quality that throws new light on the familiar. That's pizazz...