06 March 2011


It finally hit me ... SPRING BREAK IS HERE!!!! I am so excited to not have to go to work or school and just be able to take a week to spend with my friends and family. Now that being sick is no longer on my radar, I can finally relax and enjoy the week. I'm a little less than half way through the semester and this break comes at the most brilliant time.

Monday and Tuesday I have to simply relax and fully recover from my weekend "duel spuel" as my pastor once called it. Wednesday bright and early my best friend and I are headed to visit my grandparents in western Pennsylvania. We're headed up to Grove City college to visit my friends from freshman year and planning to gallivant around Pittsburgh for a while as well. We also plan to go assist my uncle in his shop for a day as well. The excitement is such we can hardly contain it! =] I feel like a geeky middle schooler excited for something simple, but hey, it's often the little things in life that get us through.

What surprises me is that most state schools give a week off for this undefinable "spring break," but give only a few days for Thanksgiving, and nothing for Easter. We all know the stories of the typical "spring break" in someplace warm, and I can't help but think that colleges are encouraging such behavior by handing us a week for no apparent reason. Don't get me wrong, I am EXTREMELY grateful for the time, and I certainly am not saying that this partying behavior is the majority or even the norm; I'm just thinking out loud ...

Unfortunately, my life is such (and probably most college students' lives as well) that if I do not literally FORCE myself to get out of town, my break will not live up to its name. I would spend the week working or running around and would end up more drained at the end of break than when I started. That being said, I'm grateful for the time to get away and just relax! =]

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